Resume Writing Companies & The Career Coaching Option

Whether you are an entry-level graduate or a professional with a few years of experience under your belt, everyone can use a bit of help from time to time. You might think that the only help resume writing companies can provide would be a great resume or cover letter, but many of these top resume services also offer career coaching, and the following people are the perfect candidates for a bit of coaching.

1. Recent College Graduates
This is an obvious example, but recent college graduates need to consider using whatever tools they can to find employment and career coaching services can be a huge boon. Of course, it’s not just about finding a job; it’s about find the right job. Career coaching will help a person polish their interview skills, but it’s also a chance for a recent grad to speak with an expert about the best career path to suit your skills and personality.

2. Professionals Wanting To Change Jobs
Many people mistakenly believe that a person who already has had a job or two doesn’t need career coaching, but these are often the people who need it the most. After all, if you’ve been working at the same job for several years, it’s been a while since you’ve had to interview and prepare for the job hunt. Career coaching services can ensure that your quest for a new job is as successful as possible and that you present your best self at interviews.

3. Military-To-Civilian Employees
If you are moving from a military job to employment as a civilian, career coaching can give you an extra edge. It can be tough making this transition, and a career coaching specialist can help you navigate the waters of civilian employment. Your career coach will help you learn how to connect the skills you learned during your time in the military to the skills needed by a civilian employer.

4. Career Changers
If you are moving from one industry to a completely different industry, career coaching can be an excellent option. Resume writing companies can provide you with advice as to how to answer typical interview questions for your new field, as well as providing you with some handy tips about what hiring managers in your new industry want to see. The top professional resume writing companies have extensive experience writing resumes for a myriad of job situations, and truly understand the unique aspects of specific industries.

What Is Career Coaching?
Many resume writing companies provide two levels of career coaching. Typically, all levels of career coaching include a telephone session with a career coach. During this phone call, your coach will learn a little bit about you and your career goals and then discuss strategies and interview techniques as well as discussing resume strategies. For a bit more money, you also can opt for the telephone interview as well as a written assessment. This written assessment can be a powerful tool as you can go back and refer to the information rather than trying to remember all that was said during your phone session.

Career coaching also can help ensure that you are choosing the best possible career path for your strengths and personality. A career coach can help you discover which types of jobs will be the best fit for you. Too often, people apply for too many jobs rather than focusing in on an area where they can really excel and enjoy their career.

In order to find the best career coaches, you’ll need to find the top resume writing companies, and this is where we come into the picture. We have reviewed hundreds of resumes and compiled a short list of the best professional resume writers around. Each of our top picks provides career coaching services, so when you purchase your resume; consider adding opting for some coaching, as well.

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